Thursday 3 October 2013

street style - men about town

For week one, I was given a task as part of a group. We were given a brief in which we had to get street style photos of outfits that were not necessarily the current trend or our 'style' but rather something that we found interesting as a team. As a group of 5, we went round the streets of Nottingham and happened to notice that a lot of the men here were rather 'fashionable', therefore the title of our project became 'Men About Town'. We found a range of styles, but what seems to currently be on trend for men are trainer shoes and caps, even if these were styled in completely different ways, they seemed to cross-over between different 'tribes'.

As a first task to start everyone off on this course, I thought it was great, not only did it test our team abilities but it opened us up to pinterest, this is where we posted our images. We were told it would be a good idea to start our own pinterest and so I did that. To get me started on it I decided to do a board each week with anything that inspires me. We also presented our work to a small seminar group, which allowed to to express our opinions and share our voice on our street style projects. I also enjoyed looking at what the other groups had created. Overall I took a great delight in the first week and couldn't wait to get my hands stuck in the other tasks provided.


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